Bristol township school district finger fingerprinting
Bristol township school district finger fingerprinting

bristol township school district finger fingerprinting

She says she likes the system because it’s easy to use, employees don’t have cards to keep up with, and it eliminates the ability for one employee to clock another in or out. Robb uses the system, which is manufactured by Ingersoll Rand, to clock herself in and out, and works with the system’s software to calculate payroll for the hotel’s 300 employees. The reader takes a 3-D reading of the size and shape of an employee’s hand and verifies the user’s identity in less than a second. Instead of using magnetic strip ID cards, employees at the luxury waterfront resort have used a biometric hand reader to clock in and out since 2004. She’s the payroll administrator at the Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort in Huntington Beach, Calif. Sounds like something out of “Mission: Impossible,” but Robb doesn’t work for a high-security government group. Biometric systems for time and attendance can reduce costs and prevent fraud.Įvery morning when Romy Robb comes into work, she places her palm on a biometric hand reader that scans her hand, then she punches in a four-digit code and begins her job managing payroll for the other employees.

Bristol township school district finger fingerprinting